Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So how do you make a game?

   As we are putting the ideas together, we'd like also to tell you more about how a game is made, as this is also new for us. We know that there are a lot of guides out there on the World Wide Web but we are also beginners like you and never made a game. We will be presenting the technologies we use, what libraries and tools we will use and stuff and do some tutorials about things you may find useful in your own projects.
   We will also do some location showcases or character at the time we have enough information for them.

   Okay, then let's get into it. How do you make a game? What do you need to make one?  What is the best starting point for this thing?
   The answer is one : a lot of patience and will. And a bit of knowledge. Or maybe more. Making a game is all about what type of game you want to do, whether you want it to be an realistic, high detail FPS game, a classic RTS game, or an fantasy RPG game.
   After deciding the what game you want to do, you then need to think of some things:

     - The story. Every game needs to have one. No story? No Game. Simple enough. No need to get in depth with this as this is all, but we'll talk about this later on, and how you would tackle this situation as a non-writer and how can you make a good story.

     - Decide what game engine you will use? Or will you be making your own? either way has advantages and disadvantages, and we will talk about this in a future blog post.

    - Don't do it alone. Get some friends. They don't need to be programmers or something, but they can help you think of a story. Ask them what they want from a game. Gather a group of people who are enthusiastic enough to help you do this. You'll need programmers, designers, sound engineers, scripters, etc.

    - Organize your ideas. Start from a big one then start splitting them in smaller parts. This is very important. it's like oh man i need to make a game and i don't know where to start.  I'll give you an example to think of. Let's say you chose to make an RPG game. You will then need to think about two important things. The game engine and the story. The engine has some main parts like memory manager, an input handler, a game state updater, a rendering engine and a few more parts. When thinking about story you need to think about locations, characters, the plot, and some other things i can't think of it right now. So how do you organize? Simple enough, by using pseudocode:

RPG game:
- story
     - locations
     - characters
     - plot, etc
- game engine
     - memory manager
     - input handler
     - game state updater
     - rendering engine, etc

    And by keep expanding each component into a smaller one you will eventually get to the point where you know what classes and libraries you'll want to do. for example the renderer you'll want to draw 3D and also 2D for  the textures. The input handler you'll want to know how to use keyboard, mouse and maybe a gamepad/joystick. By splitting each idea into a smaller one you will eventually have a good documentation for your game.

    - Get involved. You're the man with the main idea in your head, you will be the one that runs everything and needs to organize everything. Make sure you inspire everyone who work on your game. Advertise your game when it reaches the point in which testers should begin their work. Make some small trailers, screenshots, art and such and post them on facebook or on your site.  you can even make a dev blog like we have this one.

    There may be other aspects which i didn't covered but this is enough for today's post. I'll tell you more in my next post.

    Hope this was useful and if you have questions just ask in a comment or something. I'll be gladly answer you. See ya!